Now that I am able to pause for breath and sit back to reflect on 2017, I can safely say it’s been one of the most remarkable years of my entire life – and I’ve had almost 60 of them!!

In February I signed my first publishing deal with Bloodhound Books. April saw the release of my first book, Bad to the Bone. Since then, both Degrees of Darkness and Scream Blue Murder have also seen the light of day. February 2018 sees the release of my fourth book, The Scent of Guilt, and this represents the final book of my current deal with Bloodhound.
I don’t know what the future holds. I haven't yet decided in which direction my writing will go. But this past year I have come into contact with some truly wonderful, generous people, whose advice and support I will never forget. To you all I would like to say my final big THANK YOU of the year!
I wish you all a very happy Christmas and a prosperous 2018.