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Blogger's Dozen: Juliet Butler

Tony Forder

My final delve into the great work carried out by book bloggers features the wonderful Juliet Butler from Bookliterati.

Juliet’s Q&A Responses

Tell me a little about yourself.

I am Juliet, I am 44 and I live with my husband David, my daughter Briony and my three gorgeous cocker spaniels Sasha, Bramble and Bailey in Whitley Bay. I have always been an avid reader which I think comes from being an only child with a teacher for a mum. I really can’t remember a time I haven’t had a book on the go. I have a first class degree in Art History from the Open University but unfortunately due to health problems I wasn’t able to follow the path where that was taking me. As well as books my other passions are art, shoes and handbags of which I have many.

How do you find time to both read and review books as well as keep a blogsite running?

It can be hard to balance the two at times as obviously you need reading time write your blog. I try to read for a couple of hours in the morning, except on blogging days, I also read a lot in an evening. Unfortunately there are periods when I am unable to read due to my health problems and I loose the afternoons as I have to go back to bed for a couple of hours to ease the pain.

What is your favourite genre?

That is s a hard one but I would have to say historical fiction. I don’t like what I call the regency bodice rippers with swooning women. I like the idea that I am learning something as I read.

Have you ever had anyone criticise you for criticising their work?

Thankfully no, but I don’t leave a review for books that I don’t like. I contact the publisher or author and explain why I didn’t think the book was for me. Just because I didn’t like the book doesn’t mean some else won’t.

Do you believe you can influence how a book is perceived by the public?

I’m not sure that I can influence how the book is perceived but I hope in my review that I give readers information so they can decide for themselves if a book is for them or not.

Does it make you feel good when an author thanks you for your review, or is it just part of the job?

I love it when an author thanks me for a review, it makes me feel that I am on the right track. I do get a bit star struck when an author I have followed for a few years gets in contact, of which I have had several this year.

How many hours a week do you devote to your blog?

On the days I blog, with is about two to three times a week, it can take up to two hours to write my review and then share on all the social media platforms. If I’m honest I think the social media side takes up most of the time, even on days I don’t blog I spend about 45 mins in the morning and at night reading and sharing other bloggers blogs. On top of that there is of course the reading time.

Why and when did you start your blog?

I started my blog in May 2016, after being inspired by others on the Facebook group TBC. About ten years ago I was diagnosed with cervical spondylosis and arthritis of the spine which leaves me in chronic pain. I also suffer with IBS, depression and terrible side effects from the medication. I felt I needed something in my life to give me structure, a reason to get up and communicate with people even if it was over the internet, so I thought I would share my love of books with other like minded people. It has been a very positive experience for me, I have made some good friends and although I am near enough housebound I have been lucky enough to meet a few people in Newcastle and now run a group North East Writers and Readers for those of us in the area can get together and meet up which is lovely.

Has your approach to blogging changed since you started, and if so, how?

When I first started I couldn’t believe that people would ask me to review books and take part in blog tours, because I was new I didn’t want to say no I was so happy to have been asked. This ended up with me having a lot on my plate, so now I have learned that it is ok to say no.

Any advice to fellow bloggers?

Not really, I still class myself as a beginner so I don’t feel experienced enough to give advice. Although I would say to new blogger it is ok to say no.

Any advice to authors?

Again, Im not sure I am in a position to give advice to authors. The only thing I can think of is to get time lines correct in their books. I hate reading books where they give a characters age and in a certain year and then later in the book the two don’t tally, it really annoys me.

Finally, which other bloggers do you admire, and why?

What a question, if I am perfectly honest I admire all those in the blogging community. Behind every blogger is a different story, and there are others like me who have health conditions and carry on with their blogs whilst in pain and feeling terrible. I also admire those who manage to blog everyday, I really don’t know where they find the time to read so many books and write and share their blogs daily. The blogging community is a vey special and supportive one, who have given me advice and support over the last fifteen months.

Juliet’s Web Presence

Twitter: @bookliterati

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